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Mission Statement

The Church of Nontheistic Transcendentalism is a perennial religion which seeks transcendence over our human-animal nature by the expansion of Consciousness in the search for Inner Peace. We believe that the only way to better society is not through "faith" in a personal god that reflects fears and desires of the worshipper but rather by the exploration and expansion of Consciousness, one individual at a time.
The Church of Nontheistic Transcendentalism is a grassroots community for the Spiritual-But-Not-Traditionally-Religious, Agnostics, Transcendentalists, Perennial Philosophers, Modern Mystics, Artists, Transpersonal Psychologists, Psychonauts, Explorers of the Unconscious and anyone who values the search for unity through inner peace. Our non-theistic framework removes the authority of interpretation projected by the traditional orthodox Churches who lay claim to the will of an unknowable deity.



Spiritual Co-Creation

The Church of Nontheistic Transcendentalism was created by combining the metaphorical, symbolic, mystical interpretations of the messages of the Buddha and the Christ to establish an Ethical framework for spiritual co-creation by which to seek higher Consciousness. However, the Nontheistic Transcendentalist can draw co-creative inspiration from any body of knowledge which does not conflict with the 13 Tenets.
13 Tenets
The Nontheistic Transcendentalist interprets the bible symbolically instead of literally, for any beneficial insight which does not conflict with the 13 Tenets. No one shall represent themselves as a branch of the Nontheistic Transcendental Church, or Church member, unless they operate within the 13 Tenets. This is primarily to safe guard against people using the Church to solicit donations. However, this should not discourage anyone from creating your own religion, your own church, if you are in disagreement with the Tenets!





On The World


"Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2



"Behold this world, which is like a decorated royal chariot. Here fools flounder, but the wise have no attachment to it." - Dhammapada 13:171



"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart. I have overcome the world!" John 16:33



On Wisdom Through Self Observation ("Sword" as Discernment)


"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34



"Realizing that the body is as fragile as a clay pot, and strengthening the mind like a well fortified city, fight out Mara with the sword of wisdom." - Dhammapada 3:40



On State of Inner Peace (Nirvana or Heaven)


"Neither will they say lo here, or lo there, for behold, the kingdom of heaven is inside you." - Luke 17:21



"Blind is the World; here only a few possess insight. Only a few, like birds escaping from the net, go to the realms of bliss." - Dhammapada 13:174



A Psychedelic, Syncretistic, Religion for Spiritual Co-Creation

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